Friday, February 6, 2009

a little bored.....

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? no.. because for some reason that just disgusts me!
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? haha.. uhm.. 9 years.
Ever been in a car wreck? ugh, yes.
Were you popular in high school? i had a ton of friends.. it's a small town.. we all grew up together.
Have you ever been on a blind date? no!
Are looks important? i'm shallow, sorry.. they are.
Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?? almost all of my friends
By what age would you like to be married? i pretty much am.. the only thing missing is the ring & piece of paper.. material things.
Have you ever made a mistake? quite a few.. but they were mistakes at first then they were lessons learned.
Are you a good tipper? yeah.. i double the tax of the bill
What's the most you have spent for a haircut? i never get just a haircut.. it's always a color and cut, which tends to be at least $100 every time.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? yeah.. all the girls did.. Mr McDaniel at Lemoore High.
Have you ever peed in public? I live in the country and go to the dunes at Pismo.. what do you think?
What song do you want played at your funeral? 'Another One Bites the Dust'.. haha.. kidding. I have no idea.
What would your last meal be before getting executed? no clue.. i'm pregnant.. my likes in food change every 5 min.
Beatles or Stones? Rolling Stones
If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who? no clue
Beer, wine or hard liquor? depends on my mood. the last 7 months? none of the above!
Do you have any phobias? a few.
What are your plans for the future? being a wonderful mom and amazing girlfriend
Do you walk around the house naked? occasionally.
If you were an animal what would you be? a tiger!!!
Hair color you like on someone you're dating? dark!
Would you rather be blind or deaf? that's hard to say.
Do you have any special talents? um..... sure. i'm creative.
What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? wash my hands! OCD to the max w/ germs.
Do you like horror or comedy? comedy for usre!
Are you missing anyone? always missing my friends who have passed away
Where do you want to live when you are old? not sure.. on the beach or on a ranch..
Who is the person you can count on the most? the family.. for sure.
What did you dream last night? my dreams have been insane lately.. preggo hormones.
What is your favorite sport to watch? BASEBALL w/u a doubt!
Are you named after anyone? nope
What is your favorite alcoholic drink? cold coors light on tap
Non alcoholic drink? water & dr pepper
Have you ever been in love? i am right now
Do you sing in the shower? nope
What is your favorite Holiday? thanksgiving, christmas, fourth of july
Would you ever get plastic surgery? yep! i plan on getting some after i have my children.
Have you ever caught a fish? yes, i love fishing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well, I just have to do a quick post about today, one of the greatest days in America - a TRUE piece of history. I feel absolutely lucky to be alive and to be witnessing such a tremendous event. To think, years ahead, when my little girl is in school and does a report on this, I can say I watched it, I witnessed it, I felt the emotions of something spectacular. To be able to see our first African-American President leaves me speechless. Hearing him speak is pure music to my ears. While I did not vote for him, or McCain, I did vote. I knew as I followed the Election, Obama would more than likely be our next President. I just have to say I’m truly proud of Americans in our country for electing someone different – someone who stands for CHANGE & HOPE. I really do believe in Barack Obama and I think we’re going to see change in the near future.

How blessed am I to witness an amazing piece of history today.

Monday, January 19, 2009

a little update! pictures coming soon!

I know, I've had no updates lately. I apologize. I guess I'm not that great at keeping everyone informed! And to top it off, I've been busier than hell since we moved into our new house. The house is completely done (all except Kaylee's nursery, which has been used as a storage for the past two weeks!) We'll be nursery furniture shopping shortly.. we really don't have a choice. Ha! I cannot believe she'll be here in 13 weeks. WOW! Time flies by way too fast. are my recent updates..

The house:
The house is wonderful! I love it soooo much, and couldn't be happier with it. I love living out in the country, because we have no neighbors to worry about and we can ride our quads and Rhino whenever we want. Plus, all our neighbors live close. Yesterday, we met up at Gibson's house and went riding out near Laton and Stoney's area. It was so much fun.. I haven't really done that since high school, so it felt good to be able to be out there again and just enjoy ourselves. There were a ton of families out riding w/ their little kids. It was adorable because their kids were on tiny quads. I told Troy we're so getting one for Kaylee. He said we have to wait until she's at least 6. I was surprised! Normally he'd be the one pushing for her to be riding. Anyway, the house is great.. and things are coming along well. Hopefully we'll be getting a dog closer to this summer. We really want a dog we can take along with us out to the river and on coast trips.

My beautiful daughter:
My pregnancy is going by so fast, but I'm already getting impatient! While I'm enjoying the perks of being pregnant, I want to see her little face and just hold her. I want to hear her first cry in the hospital! I also want my body to go back to NORMAL! These mood swings, and emotional out bursts of crying just are not working for me. Thank God I have a loving and supporting boyfriend who just deals with it. All he cares about is my safety and the baby's well-being. I carry a load of laundry and he asks why I'm doing laundry.. or why I'm cleaning the house.. and he insists on me NOT touching the vacuum cleaner. I'm pregnant, not incapable of living! But I'm glad he's that way. I'm 27 weeks pregnant as of today, so 13 more left. I had a little scare about 2 weeks ago.. I thought I was contracting, but turns out, my body was dehydrated and a little stressed. I went in to the Labor and Delivery in the hospital at around 2 a.m. After they monitored the baby, they released me around 5 a.m. The baby sounded great, and according to my body, I wasn't contracting. THANK GOD! So, now I'm forcing myself to drink a ton of water during the day. Which isn't easy. But dehydration can spark premature labor, so I HAVE to drink, drink, drink! I do not want my little girl here this early. Although, if she was born now, she has an 85% chance of living, which is comforting, but still... on a lighter note, my 3D pics are tomorrow!! I'll post them ASAP! I cannot wait to see her little face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaylee's Godmother:
For those who do not know, my mom's best friend, Kaylee's Godmother, and practically my second mother Sonia, was involved in a pretty serious car accident on Jan. 14th in the early morning. She was on her way to work on Kansas and 43. She rear-ended a big rig (details are kind of sketchy right now), but what we know is the big rig had no lights on and was making a u-turn in the middle of the road, blocking off all traffic. Well, anyone who lives in this area knows how bad the fog has been this past week, you can't see ANYTHING. Sonia rear-ended the big rig and got rear ended herself. I guess total there were 7 cars involved. She was pinned in her truck - they used the jaws of life to extract her. She's okay, just has a ton of recovering to do. She fractured her ribs, busted her lip pretty good, split her chin open, knocked out some teeth and shifted some teeth out of place. She also chipped some c-spines in her upper neck, and has some pretty bad nerve damage in her lower spine (c-5, c-6, and c-7). She had some bleeding behind her eyes near her forehead, but that has stopped. According to the doctor, she'll never be able to hold her neck up on her own again, so they're going in to do surgery either today or tomorrow and fuse the bone together and place some pins and rods to give her support in her neck. We went and seen her on Saturday and she looks amazing for what she's been through. Her face is still pretty swollen, she has some bad bruising, and her lips and chin don't look all that great, but she's still beautiful and still has her fighter attitude. She'll be okay, just has to recover now. So, please, keep her in your prayers.

Well that's been my life lately! But anyone who knows me, knows my life is crazy. I wouldn't have it any other way! Boring and calm just isn't for me! I'll post pictures later this week (more than likely tomorrow once I get back from Fresno.) My aunt Deb is begging for them..haha.. love you!