Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well, I just have to do a quick post about today, one of the greatest days in America - a TRUE piece of history. I feel absolutely lucky to be alive and to be witnessing such a tremendous event. To think, years ahead, when my little girl is in school and does a report on this, I can say I watched it, I witnessed it, I felt the emotions of something spectacular. To be able to see our first African-American President leaves me speechless. Hearing him speak is pure music to my ears. While I did not vote for him, or McCain, I did vote. I knew as I followed the Election, Obama would more than likely be our next President. I just have to say I’m truly proud of Americans in our country for electing someone different – someone who stands for CHANGE & HOPE. I really do believe in Barack Obama and I think we’re going to see change in the near future.

How blessed am I to witness an amazing piece of history today.

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