Thursday, August 21, 2008

First baby post!

Well, one of my closest friends, Megan, got me to start a blog. I've been thinking about doing one, but couldn't really find a good site I liked or didn't make the time. BUT now I have all the reason in the world to start one! I'm pregnant! I just found out Monday, August 18, 2008 at about 9 in the morning. Talk about a life changing event! I haven't gone to meet with my actual OB yet, but according to the blood test that was taken on Monday, I'm about 4 weeks along, possibly 5. Words can't even begin to explain the emotions I felt on Monday when I found out that I was pregnant! Actually, the last few days have been a complete rollercoaster. Every 5 minutes, my attitude changes and my emotions go haywire. Today, I woke up and felt completely horrible! I threw up twice and came to work looking HORRIBLE. I have no makeup on and my hair is still wet from my attempted shower this morning. I've had pretty severe cramping today, and I'm starting to get a little worried, but according to 'What to Expect When You're Expecting', some cramping is normal. If it worsens by this weekend, I'll make an appointment to see my doctor. Until then, I'll just wait it out and hope this sick feeling goes away! Well, I should end this short - I need to get back to work. Break is over! I'll be sure to update regularly... I can't think of a better way to keep friends and family updated! Oh, and suggestions for baby names are gladly accepted right now! It's looking like if we have a boy, we're going to have a Troy, Jr. But I'm taking girl names!!


Bridgeeeee said...

brooke, I am super excited for you and cant wait for the day that your mom comes in showing pictures of her "grandbaby" and gloating that her baby is the cutest in the world. Love you much and am so happy for you.

p.s. Cramping-totally normal for a skinny chick like yourself

Sonia said...

Hey Brooke I love the idea of a blog!!! I'm glad you are finally agreeing with me that its a boy... Don't worry about the cramping, you and Troy Jr. are fine its normal. I love Troy Jr.!!!

Sublimey said...

How exciting for both of you! My suggestion for names would be: Girl: SexiKitten_xoxo31
Boy: PimpBrat#3

Brooke- I'm trying hard to come up with some witty jokes on your behalf but I'm blank haha. I really am excited for you both though and I can't WAIT to see the kid!

Troy- if you ever read this comment, my sympathy for you for the coming wrath to be expected from Brooke while she is bloated, cramped, and angry! =p

Sublimey said...

Oh yeah, heridfel= trevor lol

Meghan Tos said...

Girl names I loved were:

#1: Mackenzie (I wonder why?)
#2: Macy
#3: Hunter
#4: Elee

One will come when the time is right and it will be perfect!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I know we don't know each other but I was blog hopping and saw that you are preggo! CONGRATS! Also, about the cramping I had pretty bad cramping in the beginning too. It is normal your body is just adjusting to your growing baby and the changes that it needs to make for the baby to grow. Stay in tune with what you are feeling; if something is truly wrong you will know! Good luck with everything! :)